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 Kingdom of Prospit

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PostSubject: Kingdom of Prospit   Kingdom of Prospit EmptyWed May 02, 2012 4:04 pm


The official rulers of Prospit are the White King and Queen. They possess the greatest powers and reign over humans, carapaces and trolls.

Nobility is solely composed of humans. They live on Prospit’s moon with the King and the Queen, in the palace. Among them, there is another hierarchy based on birth. The Heir has a particular position among aristocracy. His destiny places him above the others. The Page has to stay close to him and protect him at any time.

Maidens from the Temple of Life have an important social standing but next to no decisional power. The Head Priestess, however, can be sure to be heard by royalty.
The Wizard (or Witch) of the Green Sun also has a great decisional weight. Since he is responsible of protecting Prospit, the White King and Queen seldom take risked decision without consulting with him.

---Prospitian army---

Mostly constituted of carapaces, this organisation is lead by humans from nobility. The army has a role to play in protection of Prospit and conquest of new territories. They are greatly respected but the military career is not as important as it is on Derse.

Last edited by GCat on Wed May 02, 2012 5:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kingdom of Prospit   Kingdom of Prospit EmptyWed May 02, 2012 4:06 pm

---The old Prophet---

Prospit has always been the planet of Prophets and Seers. Many Prospitian can see future events in their dreams but most of them forget before they wake up. Prospitians born with stronger gifts were called Prophets: they had vivid visions of the future and would make prophecy to share with the population.

Long before our story take place, an old Prospitian man was known has Prospit’s greater prophet. He would not make prophecies often, but when he did, they always came true. The prophecies he spoke were always vague and mysterious. One thing was certain; they were telling the tales of heroes, of wars and of history-changing events.

The old Prophet saw the Skaian Wars happen hundreds of years before they could even be foreshadowed ; decades before Prospitian knew another planet existed behind the Veil, before the initial causes of Prospit and Derse’s rivalry could even exist.

He saw the wars tear Prospit to shreds. He saw the beautiful golden cathedral burned to the ground and millions of corpses on the planet’s paved streets. He kept that prophecy to himself, willing to protect the Prospitians from themselves, for he knew they would not be able to handle such a terrible fate. He took this burden on his shoulders, endangering his own sanity.

Years passed and he kept this secret to himself, praying everyday that something could save his beloved planet. On the night he was to die, he saw something that changed everything. His vision was bright, even more vivid than the one showing him Prospit’s end. He saw a group of young people as Prospit’s sole hope. He saw a kid who had to stop the war, who had to become the ruler of all the Skaian territory and bring peace upon it. Only he could save Prospit from its terrible fate by unifying all kingdoms.

The Prophet feverishly wrote a prophecy to share with the world. Now, there was hope; he could share his burden for there was hope for Prospit.

He made his way to the Temple of Life [for more information, see the Temple of Life section!] where he found the Head Priestess. But his fate was already decided and he collapsed to the ground, holding his chest. He knew the heart attack would kill him; he was over 120 years old and knew his time would come soon. Reaching for the priestess’s hand, he shoved the paper to her and clung to life long enough to whispers his last will:

“You have to protect him” he panted. “You have to help the Heir... save the world.”
And he was no more.

Prospit bid its greater Prophet farewell in a magnificent ceremony officiated by the head priestess. As his eulogy, she preached about all the good he had done for Prospit. But more importantly, she read the prophecy about the Heir:

“She will take control of the Purple Land.
Her wrath will consume all living souls
And burn our lands to ashes.
Only the Heir, born under the 13th sun of the 4th month,
Will have the power to stop this Evil.
On his birth, the Wind shall rise on Prospit.
He shall rule over Skaian Land.
He shall take that burning world a bring peace upon it.
But the Heir won’t be alone:
To shield him from harm,
The Page, similar in almost every aspect,
Will precede him in this life.
He will be made orphan on the day the Heir is born:
He shall give his life to him.
Other souls will help the Heir to bring peace.
They shall rise from even the darker pits
And together they will create a new world.”

Prospitians didn’t know what to think about that prophecy. They knew the Old Prophet was never wrong but they couldn’t figure out who the “She” supposed to bring destruction upon Prospit was. As for the birth of the Heir, it was perplexing since Prospit had always been a windless planet.

The prophecy was kept by the Head Priestess: she made it a personal duty to carry on the Old Prophet’s death wish: protect the Heir and help him save the world.

Eventually, she grew old and acknowledged the fact the Heir would not be born during her lifetime. She passed her duty to her successor, entrusting her with the task of making it official responsibility for all Head Priestesses to come.

Decades passed and no sign of the Heir was seen. Every year, on April 13th, Prospitians would gather and wait for the wind to rise.

Thirteen years ago, on that morning, the flags decorating the planet’s roofs and walls started to undulate lightly. By noon, gigantic gusts of wind would throw panicked citizens off their feet. No doubt was possible: the Heir was coming.

Somewhere on Prospit’s moon, a woman was in labour. A few hours later, a baby boy was born. He was as average as a newborn could be. But his fate was already decided. He was taken into custody, away from his parents. But not before his mother could name him; he was named John.
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PostSubject: Re: Kingdom of Prospit   Kingdom of Prospit EmptyWed May 02, 2012 4:06 pm

---The Heir and the Page---

The Heir was taken from his family and grew up away from the rest of the world. He had an education revolving around relevant subjects: politics, philosophy, history, etc. This education had for goal to make him the sovereign he was supposed to become. He also was taught regular noble etiquette. Contrary to the rest of the aristocracy, the Heir often had one on one interviews with the White King and Queens: these would give him a better sense of how to govern a kingdom. Finally, the Heir was part of every official ceremony, traveling with the King and Queen.

The Page, as the Heir’s shield, grew up with a similar education. With his parents dead, nothing prevented him to stay with the Heir day and night. To help him fulfil his role, he was given a military formation composed of fighting and tactics skills. His role is to accompany the Heir during ceremonies. In the event of dangerous situations, his role could be to be the Heir’s double.

Since the Heir is supposed to save the world, protecting him is considered as the greatest of honors. To give your life for such a cause is a blessing! It shall be taken with humility. Any kind of self possession and fulfilment is prohibited since it might wean the Page from his duty.
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PostSubject: Re: Kingdom of Prospit   Kingdom of Prospit EmptyWed May 02, 2012 4:07 pm

---The Temple of Life---

This temple has been part of Prospit for as long as civilisation existed on the planet. The Cult of Life was once so important it was considered as a religion. Centuries have passed and the Cult’s importance has faded. Carapaces still celebrate it but humans regard it as old-fashioned and out dated. More conservative Prospitians still cling to it as something symbolic, part of their cultural heritage.

The Cult of Life focuses on the balance of the word, on peace and on respecting life in every form. Its philosophy is based on peace of mind. All the maidens pray every day for it, for the souls of the dead to be at peace, for the balance of the universe to be kept. They also have a humanitarian purpose: giving help to all creatures in need. Finally, the arts of healing occupy a central part of the Cult.

The hierarchy of the Temple of Life is really simple: the head priestess officiate major ceremonies (major holidays, coronations, funerals and wedding for royalty (and sometimes nobility, if they are important enough, etc.). She also has to protect and guide the other maidens and look over the temple as a tutelary figure. With the prophecy came a new duty: she has to prepare herself to help the Heir. Her preparation consists of prayers, for the biggest part.

Under the head priestess, a group of maidens officiate minor ceremonies (minor holidays, funerals, weddings, etc.) and are to take care of people in need.

Young human girls from Prospit are often sent there to be trained as maidens. Among them, one would be chosen to become the next Head Priestess. Usually, by the age of five, one would know she was to become the next Head Priestess and trained accordingly. When the old Head Priestess would die, she would take her place.

Ten years before the Heir’s birth, the Head Priestess was one with a seer’s abilities. She foresaw the birth of a little girl supposed to play a key role in his mission. She would be blessed with unusual healing ability. With proper training, it would go as far as healing deathly injuries... almost as bringing back the dead.

Going against all of the Temple’s rules, she decided that once the baby girl was born, she would take her as her apprentice and, at the right time, hand down her place to her. But the most important part of her training would be to work on her extraordinary abilities.
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PostSubject: Re: Kingdom of Prospit   Kingdom of Prospit EmptyWed May 02, 2012 4:14 pm

---Wizard/Witch of the Green Sun---

Long before the army became the main defence of Prospit, the planet was protected by a powerful Wizard (or a Witch) who’s power came from to Green Sun itself. These almost unlimited powers were thrust upon one human, making him a (quasi) omniscient being. The Green Sun would also give his chosen vessel an incredibly long life. Some of Prospit’s Wizard lived for as long as 200 years! The first Wizard was named Becquerel. His omniscience allowed him to distinguish humans with higher receptivity to the Green Sun’s powers. He understood that babies born under certain circumstances had the potential to wield the Green Sun’s energy. Becquerel wrote about the Green Sun’s power and, to make sure Prospit would not be left unprotected after his death, he took an apprentice.

In his text, he instructed his descendants to pass on their powers to the next generation by forming them. He taught them how to recognize the signs in a baby as young as one year old. He created a ritual to make sure the Green Sun would not thrust his powers on a random gifted individual. The master had to carve the green sun’s symbol (symbol of space) on the apprentice’s skin and then soak the wound with his own blood. By sharing blood with his apprentice, the master made sure to choose his successor.

Becquerel’s apprentice became Prospit’s Wizard after his master’s death. He took an apprentice when he saw the signs telling him it was time to. The cycle went on for generation and is still going on today.

Here’s a list of the Wizard’s powers:
- Manipulate space and matter;
- Quasi omniscience: as many Prospistian, the Wizard can see glimpses of the future. He can also see what is happening at the moment, in the influence zone of the Green Sun. That means the Wizard is able to see things happen on Prospit, Derse and the Battlefield. However, this power is only active when the Wizard decides to use it. It’s not imposed to him like visions would be;
- Conjure portals (through self) to send objects / people to various places;
- Skills at potions making.
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