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 Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale

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Terezi Pyrope
Terezi Pyrope
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Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale Empty
PostSubject: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyMon May 07, 2012 1:30 am

----- childhood -----

Terezi can't complain much about her childhood. She was raised by a good carapace in an okay neighbourhood. She had a liking for justice and law ever since she could remember. One of her favorite games was to fake a great court with complicated case, often too complicated for her friends to understand. In that game, she was all the lawers and the judge all in one!! Terezi was an intelligent troll with a bright future (for her race) in front of her. That was true until the accident that took away her sight happened. Though she never blamed Vriska for it, she can't help but feel resentful sometimes, even to this day.

----- The accident -----

The day it happened had nothing unusual. Vriska, Tavros and Terezi joined in an alley of the low district to play after school as usual. Kanaya had went home, not feeling up for some make-believe stories. Actually, that day, they didn't feel like it either. Tavros was still terrified from their last adventure and Terezi was still grounded for it. Vriska called them cowards for not wanting to go on adventure and left but they could care less. They had all their lives to go on adventures.

Vriska came back later, they guessed she found the adventure pretty boring on her own. She proposed to play ball with them. None of them knew it was actually a makeshift unexploded grenade. After an impressive catch, the grenade suddenly detonated in Terezi's face as she was throwing it. It spared her arm but not her face. All Terezi remembers is an intense heat on her cheeks and the distant alarmed cries of her friends.

The few weeks after the incident played a major role in her mindset. The isolation simply drove her crazy. The news she would never recover vision completely annihilated her. She felt as if she couldn't see, there was not even a point in living. Her friends gradually visited her less and less because she wouldn't even answer back when they talked to her. At the end, she spent about a full week completely alone. During that time, she would express her anger in different, dark, kind of ways. She never mentioned it to anyone though, she keeps it for herself. The dream she had is what actually saved her. Despite very few people believe her, it really worked for her. She can now see, not that much but it's better then being constantly plunged in the dark. She sees the people she knew before the incident better then the rest since she also remembers what they look like. For the new people, she needs to lick and sniff them to get a good idea of what they look like. This necessity tends to make her look like a freak and is avoided by the locals and tourists alike, when there was tourists.

Despite having developed senses to a superior level then the average inhabitant of Skaia, Terezi still grieves for her lost sense. She is too proud to ever show it though, especially infront of her friends. She would rather die then let anyone know she often cries about it in her bed. She deeply missed the golden glittering towers of Prospit.

----- Early teens -----

Since she could never attend the important years of scholarship, Terezi often found herself alone since Vriska, Kanaya and Tavros all had classes during the day. With years an several minor to major incidents later, the gang slowly drifted apart. Kanaya was the first to go, her work and school taking all her time.

It's by wandering aimlessly she met Karkat at the age of 14. A group of mean carapaces had decided to pick on her because she was blind. It wasn't the first time, they were always the same. Her tutor tried many times to scare away the youngsters but they always came back. At the next corner, Karkat was also being pushed by people and they ended up back to back and they temporally joined forced to chase off their persecutors.

Of course, Karkat didn't like her rigth away when she tried to befriend him, even less when she tried to lick his face off. Terezi found him interesting since she couldn't see him right until he would let her lick him properly; she was also pretty lonely at that time with Vriska turning into teenage bitch and Tavros away because of his own accident. She began stalking him after school, she would wait outside the building and then follow him. Eventually, he screamed at her she was a freak with ugly eyes.

Since that day, Terezi started to cover her eyes with diverse objects. She tried ribbons, her own hair, hats, eyepatches, everything; she eventually settled for red glasses with a golden frame. The young troll was angry at her so-called friends for never telling her her eyes were a disgrace, probably just to mock her more in her back. How could she know what her eyes looked like? She was blind! Angry, she took her chalks and furiously started a dark solo FLARP in which they all became blind except for her. She fell asleep in the middle of the artistic mess and when she wake up, she panicked someone ever discovered what she had done. She needed the proves gone! The only way she could think of was to lick them off and so she did. Since, Terezi is rarely seen without a chalk. Aside having become slightly addicted to the dusty taste, she also uses it as a stress reliever and a reminder of the day she went to the dark side of justice.

----- Pre-rebellion actions -----

Being a mid-blood, Terezi never really felt the tension between the blood tribes. She was high enough not to get seriously bullied by the highbloods and be respected by the low ones. The prospitian wasn't blind though. She was well aware about the treatments some of her friends received. Unlike Vriska, she felt as if she had responsibilities to take on this barbary. The forces were unbalanced; there was more lowbloods left then highbloods. It only seemed unfair to her the highbloods still had the right to bully the other tribes. Didn't blood mean anything anymore? They didn't need to useless pick on each other like that.

With that in mind, she began to denounce the injustice her friends were victims of. At first, she didn't get much attention from either the trolls and carapaces but with time and perseverance, she eventually gathered more and more people. She never managed to convinced her friends hurting her feelings inside. Not all her preachings went well though. She managed to get the attention of enough people to also get the one of haters. It ended up in an incoherent fight in which her glasses were broken. To avoid any more broken eyeshield as she liked to call them, Terezi modified a dragon hoodie she had to have her glasses incorporated in its eyes. She quieted down since the incident but she still made some petitions around.

----- Rebellion -----

When all hell broke loose and Karkat decided it was time to act, Terezi was infuriated. She had been working to make this situation better for years and now that it had reached a critical level, Karkat was suddenly all ears and worse, leaderly about it. It pissed her off he sometimes acted like she was knew to the cause. Little did he know, she would slip infos and tips in his stuff so he wouldn't sound like a complete moron infront of the troops.

In the rebellion, she occupies the role of second in command and acts as a scout in the districts that has turned into highblood territory. Her tutor is one of the few remaining carapaces that didn't abandoned their troll child and gives her heads up when something big is coming with the carapaces so she can warn her friends. She fears for his life for staying by her side.

Physical head canon:

Terezi used to be very slim. She always had a good nutrition. She was so fit that she would fit into Kanaya's dresses despite hating were such lady garments until she had her accident. She gained many pounds during that dark period of her life and still struggle with it. She regained a more respectable shape but she is considered chubby in the troll standards. Terezi is of an average height for a female troll with her 5 feet 5 inches. She's a tomboy and uses it to hide her little overweight.

Roleplay sample:

Terezi stumbled as she ran as fast as she could toward the HQ. There was maybe a dozen pursuing her. Her blind beggar trick didn't work out this time, the carapaces merchants had found out about her schemes. If only she had resisted the urge to take that apple but it smelled so spine bindingly good, she couldn't have possibly resisted. It was justice at work and even someone has faithful to that shiny scale was not spared if she committed a crime.

She never saw Karkat in her way, her nostrils too busy to length how close the angry mob was to her to detect his subtle fragrance. They both fell down in a loud thud as she rammed in him at full speed.

- Ow... What the hell is your problem, asshole?! Pyrope?? Is that you??
- Tch... Karkles?! Quick, get out before they catch you too! You're innocent in this matter!
- What matter? Who are these people, Pyrope?
- Oh good sirs, I'm so sorry! You see, this apple was for... my younger brother!! See, the poor thing has barely anything to eat. hehehe~ I'm not guilty, I'm only the victim of my own kindness!!
- What the hell, Pyrope... Euh, hey, listen. My.. My ''sister'''s completely insane so...

OOC: Hey there! I'm Lyly~ I'm 21 and live in Quebec so english is not my first language... I've completed one of the three degrees I'm getting so far. I aim to open a lounge/bar by 25. Hum, I've been a few forums but I can't count them in years since it would always die or never get over 4 members... But I've been rping on msn for a long time! I'm more of an action/drama/horror rper then a romantic one. I've picked Terezi because I love her and I can really let go as her in either being extremely kind or completely beserk! I don't start rps a lot but I love to join them!

Website: http://oilyraven.tumblr.com/

Last edited by Terezi Pyrope on Wed May 09, 2012 11:59 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyMon May 07, 2012 1:52 am

Character sheet accepted.
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Roxy Lalonde
Roxy Lalonde
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Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyMon May 07, 2012 1:55 am

Aaw poor TZ ;w; I really enjoyed your head canon! <3 Can't wait to roleplay with you!
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Admin Dirk Strider
Admin Dirk Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyMon May 07, 2012 2:00 am

Awesome! Beautiful writing style. And I love the touch of darkness you put in there... It makes her character a lot more complex. Good job! c:
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Terezi Pyrope
Terezi Pyrope
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Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyMon May 07, 2012 2:22 am

You're sweet guys! I really tried to make more human ironically. I would personally not cope with blindness and I always imagined that turning blind after seeing the beauty the world had to offer must be a terrible torture.

Thank you for the comment on my writing style, Dirk ; A ; but has I read myself, I've noticed many small mistakes, I shall fix them ASAP!
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Admin Dirk Strider
Admin Dirk Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyMon May 07, 2012 2:24 am

I agree with you. I don't know if I would be able to live after something like that.

B'aw, but don't worry. Tiny mistakes don't define your writing style, so my comment still applies haha.
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Sollux Captor
Sollux Captor
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Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyMon May 07, 2012 2:25 am

I love the way you described her feelings towards her blindness and I hate KK for picking on her.

2tupiid kk, alway2 fliippiing hii2 2hiit at everyone for no good rea2on.

I hope our characters meet!
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Jade Harley
Jade Harley
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Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyThu May 17, 2012 1:33 am

Your character sheet is superb! I absolutely love how detailed it is! Even more so, I really love your ability to make the reader really feel for Terezi. I felt so bad for her, especially so since she still hasn't made a full emotional recovery

I adore your interpretation of Terezi, and it really comes through with your writing! What a fantastic job! I really hope we have the chance to rp together!
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Terezi Pyrope
Terezi Pyrope
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PostSubject: Re: Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale   Terezi Pyrope - The Unbalanced Scale EmptyThu May 17, 2012 7:45 pm

Thank you!! I hope we can rp too :3 Being on the same planet should help!
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