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Rose Lalonde
Rose Lalonde
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PostSubject: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySat Nov 10, 2012 3:45 am

The music fell into a cascading crescendo through the large room, brought to life with swirls of colour, clinking glasses, and rapid conversations. The enormous hall was packed, with humans, trolls, and carapaces all dressed splendidly. Even those that were only working were wearing fine garments of the deepest purple it almost matched their black shells. For this was a special occasion, the official introduction of Derse's long awaited Seer.

The Seer had been presented at the very beginning, walking into the room and down the center of the large crowd after walking down the most ridiculously large staircase she had ever seen even including the one at the Prospit palace. She was slow on the stairs, careful not to trip and fall down the flights. She had been warned about those stairs. She hadn't, however, been warned about the stares. On Propsit when she'd arrived the atmosphere had been so different, so much more welcoming. Here when she'd walked down those stairs and toward the two Royals nary a person seemed to even breathe, but at the same time she could tell all were scrutinizing her every movement. Maybe she would have been more comfortable if she had been allowed to wear robes of those of the Temple, but instead she was wearing a dress so heavy in embroidery it felt like it might make her sink to the bottom of an ocean if she ever fell into one.

The dress was beautiful, a light gentle purple that darkened as it went further down the dress, the bottom of the large skirt a rich violet that was darker even than the amethyst floors. All over the front bodice and tampering down into just a single point on the bottom of the side of her skirt was a pattern of, you guessed it, roses. The bodice was so covered in what she guessed were pearls and some other stone, it took a conscious effort for the girl to keep her back straight. They were all staring still, was she supposed to smile? Not smile? On Prospit it had been hard not to, with all the cheering the joy was infectious. Here it was somber and cold, no different than what she had grown up with for the most part but after those several months is seemed stronger than before.

That was the beginning, and somehow the out-of-place girl had managed not to mess up noticeably. The party was in full swing, half the people tipsy and everyone forgetting the true meaning of the ball. At least one server and one noble had gone missing, and the band of carapaces was keying up for another song. Something hearty and fast, the area of the room set aside for dance was filling up, some couples going to get a drink or rest while others eagerly fell into time with the music.

And then there was the guest of honour, Rose.

She stood off to the side, blank eyes watching the flurry of movement on the main floor. Couples were weaving together, switching and spinning in a dazzling pattern. Rose didn't dare join it. Not because she hadn't been asked, a good number of young nobles had asked her to dance but with a demure smile as polite as she could muster which still came out as little more than a grimace, she turned them down. They only wanted to make themselves seem more important, the first noble to dance with the Seer of Derse. It didn't help that she didn't know the steps either. She hoped to learn by watching and listening, but the songs were never the same and the steps seemed to have no direct flow. They couldn't possibly be making it up as they went along, and all kept perfectly in sync. Could they?

Another place in which her readings and teachers had failed her in a more 'dignified' education. What else had she failed to learn? She had been so certain she had filled in all the blanks on Prospit, but it seemed like she had been wrong. Now she stood away from the crowds, both for them and for herself. If she stepped forward people simply drifted out of her paths or conversations fell into whispers or complete silence until she'd just walk away without even saying a greeting.

She'd tried making conversation with some people, but found that she had absolutely no idea what was going on on the planet since the several months she had been gone and the several years she had been in the Temple, and none of the ladies she spoke to seemed interested in hearing about the size of the library that was in the palace of Prospit and how it compared to Derse's. She had gotten a brief bit of attention when she had been introduced, but now there was a circle around her as people on either side spoke of whatever local gossip was going on but no one directly to her.

At a loss for what to do, Rose turned her thoughts internally. She desperately wished the Jade was there, but again she was out of reach. It would be a long time surely before the letter she'd sent out got back to her with a reply of some sort. Absently she fiddled with one of the beads on her bodice, dropping her hand when she realized it. She never fiddled with things, it was a sure sign of being uncomfortable. She did not want to insult any of her hosts, who evidently had spared no expense. A carpace in a dress came up to her with a smile, Rose wasn't sure how to respond so she remained stone faced. The conversation didn't last more than a few sentences before the girl made some excuse to go, leaving the seer alone again. It's not like she didn't seer that one coming.
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Dirk Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySat Nov 10, 2012 3:10 pm

As Prince of Derse, it was Dirk's duty to attend major events. But today wan't just any old event. No, today was the day the Seer would be formally introduced to the kingdom. If this were any other occasion, Dirk would have rather been sparring with Dave, or improving himself mentally through his studies. He was actually curious to see how the Seer would react to a room full of people there only to see her after she had been sequestered away for years. He went to his wardrobe and found one of his nicer suits: one with a rich purple colour characteristic of Derse nobility, fine velour velvet collar and cuffs and intricate embroidery. After donning the fancy garb, he looked himself over in his body length mirror. After placing a few stray locks and straightening his sleeves, he decided that he was ready.

Upon arrival, he was greeted by all manner of guests, all of whom he greeted with a nod and small smile. A carapace in a uniform as dark a purple as his black shell came and offered him a drink shortly after arriving. Next came the mingling. This was the part that Dirk knew he wasn't looking forward to: the requisite meet and greet with the guests. He reminded all of them gently that he isn't the star of this show, the Seer was. He waited, silently anxious for her to present herself when soon he saw a figure in a beautiful violet dress, detailed with roses, slowly come down the grand staircase. It seemed as if she was thinking about everything all at once and it showed on her face. She looked as if she was concentrating just to walk straight; understandably of course. First impressions are important.

Though Dirk was anxious to met the Seer, he thought that he would just observe her reaction to the crowd. A waltz was about to start and Dirk didn't really feel like dancing. But he kept receiving invitations and after about the 4th invitation he finally just accepted the invitation of one of the other nobles, probably making her day. He led her to the dance floor where he prepared his upper body to provide the dance frame. The steps came naturally without thinking, getting lost in the music. He never really learned to play any instruments but developed a healthy appreciation for it. Soon the dance ended. He bowed to his dance partner and left to observe the Seer some more.

She seemed to be having trouble interacting. But, maybe having trouble was the wrong words for it. Maybe it was the guests who had a problem with her. Granted, yes being Derse's Seer she would see all manor of things, good and bad, but that shouldn't make her different. Perhaps the explanation was as simple as her not being used to such larch groups of people? Either way, it showed she felt awkward when he noticed her fiddling with something on her dress. He found one of the carapaces circulating with drinks and picked one up for himself and one which he would offer to the Seer.

Dirk casually strode through the crowd, acknowledging guests with a nod as he passed. He slowly approached the Seer, "Hello, Seer. Rose, I believe? If I may introduce myself, I'm Dirk." He paused a moment, "You don't seem to fit in do you?" he asked, extending his arm to offer her the drink. "If you'd like I could diffuse the awkwardness for you." He smiled softly trying to make the Seer feel comfortable.

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Rose Lalonde
Rose Lalonde
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySat Nov 10, 2012 4:45 pm

A curl of hair from the up-do that had taken for too much time to be done fell into Rose's eye and distracted her from the dance she was watching. Why weren't skirts shorter? How could they ever be considered practical, when they wasted so much fabric for extra flounce? And how was someone supposed to learn how to dance when they couldn't see what their feet were even doing? To keep from fidgeting anymore she clasped her hands behind her, but began tugging on the tail of the long buttercup yellow sash that was tied around her waist without bothering to get her hair from her eyes. If she'd been given the option it would all be down around her face like a curtain. That was probably why she hadn't been given the option.

This slower number, the seer was sure she was starting to understand the movements when someone stepped into her line of vision. A gentleman, a couple years older than her, approaching her direction slowly like she may run away if he was too quick about it. "Good evening, Prince Dirk." She replied, taking the offered glass only to be polite. The last drink she had taken had been alcoholic and it had taken a while before she found a suitable plant to pour it into and hide the glass in. This one was a cloudy pink however and smelled of something bright.

She didn't drink from it immediately, studying the boy in front of her. His words didn't quite match the smile on his face, pointing out how much she just didn't belong. "Indeed I have never been in such a function before nor had need for phatic utterance at any previous time." Rose replied, noticing his eyes weren't quite directed at her and as the words slipped from her purple painted lips more people moved away, not liking to be near a person that made the rest of them sound stupid even though she was younger than a good number of them. A group of girls around 17 had cooed over hear earlier, saying she looked like a doll. She didn't understand the connection and after a laugh at her saying so they frowned and hurried away from her as she began instructing them on the finer mechanics of dolls.

Rose lifted an eyebrow at the idea of him removing the awkwardness from her situation, "Are you aware, prince, that calling a situation awkward is what immediately adds that connotation to the event? A silence if not 'awkward' unless a person calls it out as such, for it is rather difficult to continue awkwardness as a topic of conversation." Turning her attention from him she looked at the dance floor again, raising the glass and taking a sip from it. It was not alcoholic she was now sure of that, she knew what it was like from Ceremonies after all, it tasted tangy and bright. "May I enquire as to why you've chosen come speak to me now, rather than earlier? I had been informed something of such was your role. I do doubt it is because of my gender, for it seems you've been spending a good while avoiding those of, what is the colloquial term? My type? Perhaps you would be more interested in the gentleman over there whose ass you seem to be examining quite intently." A little spark shone in her eyes for a moment before dulling as she proudly stated her observation.
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Dirk Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySun Nov 11, 2012 2:55 am

That's a little odd... yet oddly understandable. Dirk thought as Rose explained she never needed basic social skills. It really did make sense. She had been taken away for 13 years and had only left Derse to see Skaia and Prospit rather briefly. She most likely didn't have any friends. Dirk thought this must be either overwhelming for her or she is more mature and composed than he thought. Probably the latter, he deduced, as she was eerily calm. Though, was she fidgeting, paying with her sash behind her back? Again, probably just minor nerves.

Dirk huffed softly while taking a sip of his drink, which he discovered was a simply delightful grapefruit juice; rather tart, yet exotic enough. "Suppose I did do that." As Rose turned to look at the dance floor, Dirk noticed one of the older nobles who had just walked by and stopped a few feet behind her. Now this specimen, was obviously receiving military training. His physique couldn't be explained otherwise. His glutes were square and looked like they would be firm to the touch. This, Dirk thought as he was half paying attention to Rose. This man was wearing tights as opposed to trousers.... a rather odd choice considering Derse fashion but Dirk wasn't complaining. "MMM DAT ASS!" was the commentary he thought he was providing quietly inside his head.

The man with the choice ass turning around was what brought Dirk back into reality realizing what he just said out loud. He quickly returned his gaze to Rose and froze for half a second. This half second gave Dirk all the time he needed to reassess the situation. He thought quickly about how to divert from the obvious, yet totally well placed insinuation of his blatant, open homosexuality. "Uhh.. Yeah, so I decided not to come speak with you right away because I thought it would be interesting to see how you dealt with the situation." He spoke calmly and as nonchalant as ever, hoping it was coving the very slight embarrassment he was feeling inside. "Your vocabulary is astonishing by the way. You're 13 years old correct? Some of the words you are using I've only ever seen come up once or twice in my sociology texts. You seem to be much more mature than some of the older Nobles here. Shall we test that?" he paused thinking for a second, "I'm sure this will be child's play for you but how about a riddle? I drift forever with the current down these long canals they've made. Tame, yet wild, I run elusive multitasking to your aid. Before I came, the world was darker, colder, sometimes, rougher, true. But though I might make living easy, I'm good at killing people too."

Dirk took another sip of his drink as he waited for this strange girl to answer the riddle. He had no doubt in his mind that she would be able to do it. He gave her the riddle not so much to test her as to divert from him, but testing her was still interesting to see.
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Rose Lalonde
Rose Lalonde
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySun Nov 11, 2012 3:09 pm

He suddenly spoke in a more relaxed tone than she had before. Had her calling him out on not actually wanting to speak to her relieve some sort of tension? How particular. "You wished to observe how one with limited social practice would operate in initial circumstances." She repeated more for her benefit than his. It made sense to her, after all she had spent the last two hours minimum observing others, the prince included. Her eyes had also spent a good amount of time trained on the small patches of shadow which she was quite sure darkened the longer she watched them. "I do hope I passed what ever test was required for you to finally present yourself and that you did none such a thing out of simple pity."

The fingers of the hand she still had behind her back had worked themselves under the bow of the sash, pulling it slightly back in an attempt to discretely loosen it. When she realized it she moved adjusted herself so both hands were now holding the glass, two fingers of one around the bottom of the stem and the other hand cupping the flute. This is disconcerting. Why's my body doing things without me noticing it? She wondered while nodding to Dirk's question. "Yes, a few months have elapsed since then however. I know, thank you." At the idea of a real test Rose turned to give her undivided attention to the prince. Now this was her kind of party.

A laugh that shifted into a cackle came from the girl's lips, a misplaced sound to be coming from one that looked as toy-like as her. "You do me too great an ease, prince. It is electricity. Some may argue lightening, but both are one in the same if unharnessed. Perhaps you will know the answer to this one? Soft and fragile is my skin, yet I get my growth in mud. I'm dangerous as much as pretty, for if not careful, I draw blood." Rose recited the first riddle that came to mind, not thinking of if it was difficult or not.
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Dirk Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptyMon Nov 12, 2012 12:26 am

Dirk cocked his head slightly at Rose's comment, "Oh no, of course not. You weren't under any scrutiny nor any test brought out of pity. I was merely curious to see how you would fair under the circumstances; pure curiosity." He meant no disrespect to the Seer. As he had said twice, he was purely curious. He couldn't think of anyone else who had been away from, well, society for that long. Interesting thing was that even though she wasn't fitting in socially, she seemed to be quite composed. More so than he would have expected anyway. He watched as Rose had noticed she was fidgeting with the bow on the yellow waist sash on her dress. He watched as she quickly held her glass with both hands, almost in a way that it would be an anchor for them. Though she was different and a little strange, Rose seemed nice enough.

Dirk almost took a step back as Rose cackled wildly for a moment. It was definitely unexpected. But if his military training taught him anything, it was to expect the unexpected. I was probably the only thing keeping him from being startled. His face didn't show any of his surprise. "I knew that one would be too easy." he quipped casually.

Dirk took a moment to go over the words of the riddle in his mind. He came to the answer almost immediately. Was this meant to be a metaphor? The riddle seemed to be chosen in the spirit of irony. He chuckled mentally at the thought. But this rose (hehe) the question, was she implying that she was dangerous? Curiouser and curiouser. "Why Rose, the answer to your riddle is a Rose." he emoted dramatically. Dirk resumed his nonchalant demeanour, "I wouldn't think you to be dangerous? Who knows I guess. Another riddle then?" In the spirit of ironic humour, he brought a riddle out from his mind that was cleverly appropriate considering she was the Seer. "The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?"

Last edited by Dirk Strider on Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:14 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Rose Lalonde
Rose Lalonde
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptyMon Nov 12, 2012 1:43 am

Rose took another sip from her glass as she watched him, able to tell from a whisper in her head that he had gotten it sooner than he actually answered her. The Horrorterrors were making this game no fun, they were giving her the answers without even letting her think about it on her own. She silenced them mentally and stood a little straighter as if that would make them stay that way. Dirk gave away what delayed his reply when he said the answer. She smiled, somehow amused by his theatrics though normally she would find it preposterous and pointless.

There are other ways to be dangerous than just with military skill Rose thought, to which the voices in her head gave a loud cheer. They were being very excitable this evening, her first evening officially back on Derse after her trip. She had talked her way out of a rest period before the ball, stating she could do nothing but rest on that long solitary flight. She nodded instead, "Another riddle."

Even before the male had finished telling the riddle the Horrorterrors were 'shouting' out different answers which Rose tried to silence without listening to. Of course she heard the correct one and knew it was right since she'd worked it out, and for the third time since speaking to Dirk managed to silence Them. She'd lost count how many times she had already done it since her return, and it was getting tiring. Maybe she would turn in early. Hardly anyone was paying any attention to her as it were, other than Dirk who did have other guests to attend to if she left.

"Well aren't you a clever one?" She asked almost sarcastically, and probably would have if she'd known what sarcasm was. "Clever, but it is still quite easy. The answer is Dar-" Rose stopped mid-word, now sure she'd seen several different shadows and even the one under Dirk's fringe of hair shifting and darkening in a way that was completely unnatural. A blink and it was gone, "-kness." She finished with a waver of uncertainty. Not at her answer, but at the realness of what she had just witnessed. Rose didn't doubt she had seen it, and was sure no one else had so she hadn't bothered to ask Dirk if he had noticed it as well.

As she was thinking of what could have caused it, maybe she was actually tired from the trip, the half-emptied glass in her hand shattered. Surprised she jumped back, only her knuckle getting nicked by a shard and a few drops of the juice on her hand. It was a good thing that by now there wasn't really anyone near her other than Dirk, who would have only gotten a splash against his boots from the distance he was from her if he didn't move, the rest had cleared off at her cackle. She glanced at the little bead of blood that was forming on her hand, it was nothing major. "My apologies. I my grip must have been too tight on the glass which caused it to shatter.."
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Dirk Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptyMon Dec 03, 2012 2:04 am

Dirk had a feeling that Rose was going to have the answer to his riddle relatively quickly. But he didn't berate his intelligence because of it. He figured she was just much more intelligent than he first gave her credit. But, again, he only picked that riddle for the irony in it. Seers are known to see some rather dark things. See... dark.... "The more you have of it, the less you see." He thought it was rather appropriate and even chuckled slightly when she got it, trying to keep the tone light.

Dirk cocked his head to the side a few degrees when Rose stopped mid-word. He stayed quiet not really sure what was wrong. He stayed wary even after the Seer finally got the word out. Good thing too as a moment later the Seer's half-full glass of sparkling juice shattered semi-explosively. Dirk quickly shielded himself with his left arm incase any shards came at him.

Suddenly, totally disregarding what just happened, Dirk calmly led Rose away letting her take his arm. He looked back to signal a servant over to clean up the shattered glass. Turning back to Rose, "Come, I have a friend who I'd like to you to meet." Dirk said with a light tone compared to what just happened. Dirk led the Seer over to a boy who looked to be about the same age as Rose. Blonde, almost white, hair styled almost pidgeon-esque; aviator style shades; expression almost as blank as Dirk's.

"Cousin!" Dirk hailed as he gave Dave the requisite fist bump, "Have you met the Seer yet? Rose this is my cousin, Dave." he said as he gestured to his cousin and best friend, "He and I grew up together and are now training in the military."
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Dave Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptyWed Dec 05, 2012 12:32 am

Dave had spent most of the evening spacing out due to his lack of interest in these types of events. He loved being surrounded by people, but only when he was the one getting all the attention. His ceremonial armour was the heaviest thing he ever had to wear, decorated with gems and carvings. In addition to that, the tunic was itchy and loaded with embroideries. He liked style, just not THAT kind of style. The only thing he enjoyed from those formal receptions was the free alcohol. Many said he was too young to be drinking but he couldn’t care less. He’d never turn down a glass of apple cider.

He was idly watching the dancers and sipping on his cider when he heard a familiar voice. He looked over his shoulder, spotting the incoming fist bump right away and turning around right in time to return it.

Sup.” he said with a slight nod of his head. People had always criticised the way he addressed to the Prince, however Dave saw no point in keeping up all the formalities when he was around his cousin and best friend. He had tried explaining more than once that he and the Prince weren’t no strangers with a diplomatic relationship, but none wanted to hear it.

It took him a second to realize someone else was tagging along his best buddy. He frowned a little behind his shades when he noticed the girl. “So uh, she’s the Seer eh? Nice meeting you. “Dave said with all the nonchalance in the world. He cleared his throat when he realized how rude he made himself sound “Uh, I mean… Dave Strider, at your service. It’s a pleasure to meet you, m’Lady.

He gave the Seer what probably was the most awkward bow ever given in centuries. He was looking away, knowing he had not been so smooth with that introduction, protected by his trusted shades. When he finally straightened out he took a better look at the girl. She was rather easy on the eye however she seemed pretty damn stuck up, he thought. Not nearly as easy on the eye as the Prince either. He tried not to let his gaze linger on his handsome cousin’s silhouette. That wouldn’t be an easy task, especially not on this night with all the pretty attire he was wearing.
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Rose Lalonde
Rose Lalonde
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySat Dec 08, 2012 2:02 am

It took a few seconds after Dirk turned to walk away that she realized he didn't want to leave her because of some freaky thing happening, he wanted her to go with him. Rose let go of the small piece of the stem of the glass that remind in her hand and lightly put her hand on his arm. It'd be bad if his arm exploded like the glass had. She glanced at her hand, seeing the small drop of blood beginning to coagulate, for a split seconds she thought it was black.

She raised an eyebrow at the way to two greeted one another, she had seen no one hitting each other's closed knuckles as a way of saying hello. They're cousins, Dirk says he is a friend as well. Are the things usually mutual or is this a special case? She wondered, looking at the boy that was just slightly taller than her though he looked her age. The sunglasses made it difficult to tell but he certainly could not be much older than the Prince.

She straightened herself more, trying to make the heights even out. "Why, that's the most eloquent greeting I've heard all evening." She said to him with a small smile, trying to make a joke to distract from the fact she didn't curtsy. She didn't know how and was quite certain if she tried she'd look as ridiculous as he just did. "The pleasure is all mine, mister Strider. Rose Lalonde, though Rose will suffice."

There was silence for a moment and not wanting to stand as the two just had a conversation, something she was sure would happen. "So. Military, hm? I know not much of it, besides some spells for augmentation of stamina or strength and suchforth. I suppose not everyone is born with as specific duties and thus has time for such things. What is it that you.. do precisely?" She watched him keenly trying to tell what was going on behind the sunglasses he wore. At night. Indoors.
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Dave Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptyThu Jan 17, 2013 1:57 am

He raised an eyebrow, nonplussed by the Seer’s joke. Dirk had described her as “shy” but he wouldn’t say so much about her yet. She sounded so sure of herself, so smart, so eloquent so… annoying. He had to keep his act together though, he knew. She was the Seer after all. More importantly, she was Dirk’s friend.

He took a sip from his cup. He probably had too many of those already and his head was starting to feel light. He hoped it wasn’t showing and that his shades wouldn’t betray him. They never did.

"What I do? What do you mean? I’m a military… I get up real early and train, y’know, do the drill. Then after all that I hope I can…oh idunno… protect people? If war comes I gotta be ready and be there for all of em folks out here. I swore an oath to give my life for the prince’s. That’s what I do, in a nutshell."

He could probably ramble about what he was doing in the military for hours, especially after all that cider he had. He had been holding his tongue all evening and not it was starting to be really hard to hold it. He felt it tingling; a thousand silly raps were flowing between his ears, each of their rhymes sounding so sweet and perfect. But then he remembered where he was.

He gave his cousin a glance that screamed “get me out of here”, muffled to silence by thin, dark lenses.

"So anyway, you’re a seer, right? Does that mean that you know like… Everything?"
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Dirk Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptyThu Mar 07, 2013 2:26 pm

"I would tell you to forgive my cousin for his less than courtly demeanour, but he comes by his true colours honestly and we love him for it." He said to Rose speaking fondly of his best friend.

Rose spoke up after a rhythmic low in the flow of the conversation. Dirk watched the Seer and his cousin converse, silently eyeing Dave's ceremonial armour. The intricate detail put into the gold leafing and gem work enchanted him a little. It made his cousin look much more regal and proper than he really was. It made him look really... good, rather flattering actually.

Dirk chuckled to himself silently on the inside as he caught Dave's eyes. The "Get me out of here." was loud and clear to him as only they could read each other through their dark shades. Though he thought it might be nice to get his friend out of having to be there, Dirk thought it would be good for Dave to get to know the Seer; make some more friends.

Dirk turned to Rose to wait for her response, probably more sincerely curious and interested than his cousin.
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Rose Lalonde
Rose Lalonde
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 11:40 pm

Rose shook her head, the smile she had had fading. She didn't see his face but she felt his lack of wanting to be around her or speak with her. She smiled again when he actually continued the conversation rather than making some excuse to leave, but it was the fake smile she had been getting from other people all evening.

"No, I do not. Being a Seer is not the same as being an almanac. I could recite the entire political history of Derse, and I could also get lost trying to navigate low town in roughly... three minutes? I could say the destiny of a new born babe, but I couldn't tell you who my birth parents are. I know several spells that could destroy this palace so thoroughly that the remnants would be fine as sand, but I am unable to cook for myself."

She shrugged, none of the things she said strange to her. She raised a finger before the knight could speak again, "And I do not know everything in the future either. Every minor action changes something and there's too much. I can divine certain relevant pieces, which can come to change depending on how much I say of them."

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Dave Strider
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySun Mar 31, 2013 12:31 am

He stared at the seer for a while, his tipsy brain processing every word that slipped her mouth once at a time. She was very articulate and spoke very clearly, but he still didn't manage to catch everything she blabbered about.

"Interesting. What's an alamnac or almanac or whatever anyway? Sounds like some kind of disease but I guess from the context that it's more like... some all-knowing sage or something. Like in some of those troll plays where there's this incredibly old know-it-all bastard who just literately holds the truth to the universe or some shit."

Really though, what was that. He frowned a little, thinking about it, rummaging his mind for remnants of vocabulary but he couldn't find a thing. He took a long swig to finish the last of his cider. He was getting bored and needed some sort of distraction from this awkward conversation. Heck he'd rather dance than listen to one more second of the seer's lectures

He stared at his empty glass.

"Well, milady", he started as he set the glass on the closest piece of furniture he could find, " would you care for a dance? I think I'm drunk enough for that now. "

He held out his hand to the seer before she could even reply to his inquiry about almanacs.
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Rose Lalonde
Rose Lalonde
Posts : 113
Join date : 2012-05-14
Location : Derse
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PostSubject: Re: Homecoming   Homecoming EmptySun Mar 31, 2013 2:10 am

Rose could tell most of her words were going over her peer's head from how quickly he downed his glass, but was too wrapped up in her explanation to stop. She wasn't too surprised by it either, A small amount were able to follow her, and an even smaller amount cared to listen to a preadolescent without more information on who she was. Even though it was an honour, explaining it got tiring like everything.

"I know I am unversed in standard interactions, however I doubt that stating your intoxication level is proper premise to asking a lady to dance." She said, fidgeting with the cuffs of her sleeves again rather than taking the knight's offered hand. It was easier to hide behind observations than state that she only had the most basic knowledge of how to dance.

She glanced at Dirk and then back at his cousin. He had brought her over to him probably to help her with knowing important people around her, and she didn't really want to disappoint the one person that hadn't decided to ignore her all evening. She might as well sacrifice some pride and try to dance. Rose let go of the lacey cuff and put her hand in Dave's, "None the less, it would be a privilege. "

The seer looked over her shoulder at the prince as she was lead the short distance away to the ball floor, but the moving crowd obscured him from her vision.
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